Alright, let's get this out of the way, right off the bat: I am not a party person. I'm not saying that I am asocial or lack communication skills (they're defective, that's all), but I just don't get what's so great about night clubs and such. People tend to tell me I'm weird for not liking huge parties, as if I hate having fun or something, which is not true. I'm going to try to explain my point of view here, so certain people will get off my case already.
1. You get to meet new people
Yes, and the best place to do so is certainly in a crowded night club, where the majority is drunk, drugged or both, and you can't understand a word of what they're saying due to the loud music. Also, I am quite fond of my personal space, and having some fat, shirtless raver rub his sweaty belly against my neck for a whole evening is aggravating, to say the least. And yes, I am that short. Last time someone convinced me to go to a club, someone mistook me for a table and put her glass on top of my head.
2. Live music is great
Yes, but this is no concert: what you have here is a DJ playing records; pretty much like it's done on the radio. Live performances are fantastic, but you are talking about the equivalent of a very loud jukebox. Listening to songs being distorted due to the speakers not being able to produce such a loud volume is something I can do in the comfort of my home, thank you very much. I can even chose songs I actually like!
3. You just don't know how to have fun
No, my concept of fun is just different. I do enjoy music, like a live concert on a open field, where there is enough space to not have your face shoved into someone's armpit. I do like meeting new people, as long as I get the time to know them. I like do hanging out with friends and have a good time, but small spaces with too many people in it and loud music that doesn't suit my tastes are just not that enjoyable to me.
Well, I'm glad I got that off my chest. I'm also glad I don't have that many readers, otherwise my comments section would be filled with bile and generally indecent names aimed towards my person. But I'm not saying my forms of leisure are superior: it's just that I hate crowded places. And haters gonna hate.
1. You get to meet new people
Yes, and the best place to do so is certainly in a crowded night club, where the majority is drunk, drugged or both, and you can't understand a word of what they're saying due to the loud music. Also, I am quite fond of my personal space, and having some fat, shirtless raver rub his sweaty belly against my neck for a whole evening is aggravating, to say the least. And yes, I am that short. Last time someone convinced me to go to a club, someone mistook me for a table and put her glass on top of my head.
2. Live music is great
Yes, but this is no concert: what you have here is a DJ playing records; pretty much like it's done on the radio. Live performances are fantastic, but you are talking about the equivalent of a very loud jukebox. Listening to songs being distorted due to the speakers not being able to produce such a loud volume is something I can do in the comfort of my home, thank you very much. I can even chose songs I actually like!
3. You just don't know how to have fun
No, my concept of fun is just different. I do enjoy music, like a live concert on a open field, where there is enough space to not have your face shoved into someone's armpit. I do like meeting new people, as long as I get the time to know them. I like do hanging out with friends and have a good time, but small spaces with too many people in it and loud music that doesn't suit my tastes are just not that enjoyable to me.
Well, I'm glad I got that off my chest. I'm also glad I don't have that many readers, otherwise my comments section would be filled with bile and generally indecent names aimed towards my person. But I'm not saying my forms of leisure are superior: it's just that I hate crowded places. And haters gonna hate.